in Seven

A one-on-one customized journey that'll have you making Fierce Moves in your business with confidence and clear direction in only 7 days.

Don't let self-doubt sabotage your dreams any longer!

In Only Seven Days you'll...

  • Learn how to make bold and strategic decisions within your business, guided by clarity and a sense of purpose.

  • Set actionable and measurable goals aligned with the outcome you desire.

  • Learn strategies to boost your confidence as a business owner so that you can take bold and decisive action to drive your business forward.

  • Gain insight into what has kept you stuck through my three specialized deep-dive sessions including shadow work, mirror work, and body & soul connection work which will equip you to deal with unforeseen bumps on the road so that you no longer lose momentum.

Here is what your journey will look like.


The only reason you are stuck is because what you think you know to be true is NOT!YOU KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW
We will dive deep into what you know about yourself to be true, what you think is true, what no longer serves you, and all the new truths you'll discover about yourself. Trust me, it sounds more complicated than it is. My promise is to get you all together in only seven days! My method will rapidly take you from thinking to knowing! (which is the difference between doubt and certainty)

2. Map Out The Plan

Once you've gained awareness and are certain about your desired outcome, we'll use what you've learned about yourself, your wants, and your needs to fulfill your vision and map out not only your destination, but also milestones, pit stops, and even possible bumps on the road so that you can be ready at every turn.

3. Walk the Walk

Now that you've equipped yourself with newfound wisdom, discernment, and radical self-awareness, you're more than ready to make your next fierce moves with confidence, clarity, and direction. Remember that bumps on the road are inevitable, but you'll have learned breathing, movement, and mirror techniques that will help you keep momentum as you run into the unexpected.

A Little About me

I'm Rosa Alejandra...Crazy Dreamer, Author, & Entrepreneur with a servant's heart and on a mission to eradicate competition among women.I have the unshakeable belief that women are powerful beyond belief; the downside is that it seems that they are the only ones who didn't get the memo, which is why they live in constant emotional chaos thinking they are not good enough, smart enough, or ever ready enough to take life by the horns. This is exactly what creates the dive among us! Seeing other women thrive causes us to hate them and feel even worse about ourselves. Not no more, not on my watch!I want to express my respect and excitement about you making it this far down my page. I know you are ready for what you already know you deserve. I know you lack belief in yourself at this moment, but if you allow me, I will make sure you get the opportunity to bitch slap self-doubt 20 times across the face and teach it who's the boss!When you come into my world you become unfuckwithable. That's a PROMISE!In greatness and abundance,~ Rosa Alejandra